Organization Chart

The General Association of the Scouts of China is based in Taiwan now. The General Association represents our country as the only member in the World Organization of the Scout Movement. The General Association promotes Scouting Movement by organizing youth program and leader training at national level, such as National Jamboree, Wood Badge Training, National Rover Conference, etc.
The General Association also cooperates with local councils, such as Taiwan Provincial Scout Council, Taipei City Scout Council and Kaohsiung City Scout Council. Taipei and Kaohsiung City are metropolitans in Taiwan. There are local councils in each smaller city or county. There are 23 local councils in total.
The highest decision body for the General Association is the National Assembly. The National Assembly is composed by national representatives from each local council. General speaking the number of national representative is some 150 or more scout leaders.
The National Assembly meet every year to approve the annual plan, budget, annual report and financial report. The tenue for National Assembly is 3 years. Every 3 years, the National Assembly will elect Board of Directors (35 members) and the
Board of Supervisors (11 members). Then the Board of Directors will elect the National Executive Board (11 members). The National Executive Board will elect one member as Chairman & Chief Commissioner. Mr. Lin, Yu-Chang is the Chairman & Chief Commissioner for 2019-2022.
The Secretariat or so called Scout HQ provide administrative service and conduct national events. The Secretary General is appointed by Chairman & Chief Commissioner. There are four divisions in the Secretariat, General Affairs, International Events, Program & Activities, and Campsite Management.